Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29th February 2012

Without a single thought, two hands collide and the world finally makes sense again.  

In the coldest February, as in every other month in every other year, the best thing to hold on to in this world is each other. 

I couldn't say much but I can feel everything that we have now
is just perfect the way it is. I can't provide you luxury
nor be the perfect girl for you cause I know nobody's perfect.
I can't promise forever we will be, but I can promise that
you will never face it alone.
As each day passes, everything seems so well
and I believe there's many more to come.
Thanks for dealing with my mood swings, 
my bullshit and any drama that I've put you through.
You came at the perfect time,
guiding me to be a better person each day,
putting a smile on my face when I'm sad,
and making me feel alive again.

I wanna tell you how lucky I am to have you,
it may not be perfect, but as long as its with you,
I believe it will turn out great.

Happy 29th February 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chester See

There's so many people who are very talented on youtube, but I love this guy :) 
He's so talented, I love his voice and the songs :)
Here's some of his videos ...

If you guys wanna see more, search for Chester See on youtube :)


neena, afiq

me, danieal

Well, its already February now,
But i think i still wanna post this :)

I really love how we all ended 2011,
well, it was a last minute plan. I didnt have plans at all but then i received a bbm from neena telling me to join her and afiq at sunway. So, i went there and meet them all including Danieal. It was a double date. We had a really nice dinner at Bubba Gump and we walked here and there. We also bought like the snow spray ? I dont know what is it called, haha. Lastly, we went to the rooftop and waited for the fireworks. I'm glad that i celebrated my New Year with my bestfriend. Even thou it was only the four of us, I believed we had so much fun. Its just a lovely beginning, and I hope more to come. I will remember 2011, its a long year. So many things happened, but this is life.

For my New Year's resolution,
I think .....

I need to improve myself to be a better human being
Try to understand people better
Cut off the unreasonable attitudes
Study hard and achieve what I want
Make my parents happy, always
Pray as much as I can
Be positive and stay strong
Be good no matter what
There's a lot more I guess, but slowly I will achieve what I want..

Good Luck to me, and Good Luck to all of you guys outside there

I've Been Busy


I know its kinda late to blog about spm. but its okay, ITS OVER NOW! being one of the spm leaver is so cool :) well, i feel relieved after 1 month being stressed out because of it. I can't say much things about school because I'm always absence and I don't really go to school. I missed so much lessons and I can't even cope up. So, that's really sad. That's what I regret but I can't change time, right ? So, i gotta actually work triple hard when I go to college soon. Its so hard for me to decide what I wanna do after school. There's so many things I really wanna do. Well, I know that my spm result will not be as good as other students but heyyy, fail once doesn't mean you will fail forever. As long as you never give up, comes along with your hard work, InsyaAllah the impossible will become possible. Life isn't easy. Nothing is easy. Like when you get up in the morning, is it easy ? obviously you will feel hard and tired. So, we can only achieve success with hard work. Ignore what people say, ignore what people think about you. You know yourself better than them. If u keep on listening, forever we will be their prisoner and we will never have the courage to stand on our own feet. So, life comes with choices. Make the best decision, and don't be afraid to fall.

-Bad decisions, make good stories

Friday, November 11, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Dear Muslim Readers,
I wanna wish......  

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

I wasn't able to post this earlier cause i was busy. So now that I'm home, sitting on a white chair in front of the computer, here's something I wanna share about my "EID ADHA" for this year.
.......... As usual, I need to wake up early so at night, i slept early. When my alarm's rang at 6am, I woke up and get ready. This year, whats different is my grandma took the maid cause she doesn't have one and she needs someone to help her cause she wants to cook. Usually during Aidil Adha she doesn't cook. So, as the eldest girl in the family, i have to do my job. After waking up ze siblings, i was thinking about doing breakfast but I didn't have much time. Then, i decided to do something quick and i did french toast before going to the mosque. After we got back, as usual we will gather in the house before going to my grandma's house. Once we reached, all I can think is "FOOD'...... my grandma is a good cook, she's awesome at cooking good food.. There were ayam kurma, sambal udang, serunding, lodeh and some black thing i don't know.... That's it for now i guess cause I don't really have much to say.. So, here's some pictures during the "EID"....

Saturday, November 5, 2011

You never know what you have until you lose it, and once you lose it, you can never get it back. If you get it back, it will never be the same

Hey guys,

i know this is kinda stupid. i never really introduce myself since i start writing on my blog. Well, i didn't start this blog properly. whoever reads my blog before this, they might notice that i deleted some of the posts. Lets start this all over again shall we ?

Well, my full name is Sirrulloh Hayati Binti Mohamed Sallauddin. I have 1 awesome dad and 1 moody mom. I was born on the 15th of January 1994. There's 5 of us in the family. An elder brother named Saiful Anwar Mubarok, 2 younger sisters, Siti Innayati and Shafiyah Rahmawati and a younger brother named Subhan Hariri. One of our siblings passed away in Portland when he was a new born baby, always in our mind, Saifuddin Jalali. Thats's about ze siblings. So, about myself. I like to blog but i just started and i gotta learn more. I'm crazy and loud. I do crazy shits and I like to hang around with my friends. I love bubble tea and chicken burger. HAHAHAHAHA. I wear whatever I want and I'm a shopaholic. Most of the time, I'm broke cause i've been spending too much. So, i have a really big dream. Talking about dream, everyone can dream but to get to the place that you wanna be needs a lot of hard work. Looking at people who is successful nowdays, make me realize there's so many competitors outside there and they are way better than me. Guys, let me be frank. One upon a time, I was a really brilliant student. I will work my ass off to achieve what I want in life. I was a top scorer since i was in kindergarten and i score most of my subjects in primary school. Not to say i never failed any subjects but if I really want something, I'll get it. But, something good in a good way :) As the childhood days passes so fast, I became a teenager. Well, shit happened. I mean, there's always ups and downs in someone's life. I was way too far from what I was. Its a long story, so i chose to shorten it. Now that I'm 17 and there's few more days for my exams. I know i couldn't catch up that much cause these 4 years, I've been really depressed and most of the time I lost the fight with my own emotions. Its kinda sad and depressing but I know that i gotta move forward. Moving forward is not  that easy unless you have people who really understand your situation. Its up to you guys to judge but try to put yourself in someone's shoes before you judge them. Life is actually simple if you make it simple and it will be complicated if you create unnecessary things. I've been through shits and I believe you guys have your own experience too. So, be strong and keep moving forward. Regretting your mistakes won't take you anywhere unless you accept it and try to change to be a better person. No doubt that 1 day you will look back at the past, who doesn't? That's life, we are humans so we gotta accept the fact and be professional. I don't wanna talk so much cause i also have so much more to learn in life. Now that I've been disappointing my parents so much, I wanna get this SPM done and further my studies in any universities. Few weeks back, when my family went to Amsterdam and i was home alone, I've been thinking about my future and i get stressed out. When i was in the car heading to One Utama, I got an idea of doing business study next year and in the same time I gotta repeat my papers that I'm not satisfied with so that I can also do medicine. Nothing is impossible in this world. When you read this, you will definitely think how "stupid' I was to waste my time. One thing, "NOBODY'S PERFECT".... and as long as you realize your mistakes and try not to repeat it again, Insyaallah the GOD will always guide you to the right path... Amin. These few days left, I will try to do my best and I'm really worried about the outcomes. I know I wont score straight A's but I will do my best. Fail once, doesn't mean you will fail forever. That's it for now, this is so called introduction, LOL!

Loves, xoxo

A message from Ki (my aunt)

" I challenge you to commit to growing yourself. This month, do not avoid problems and or complain about problems. Don't let them bother you. In fact, don't even call them problems;  refer to them as "challenges" or "situations". Let go of the emotion and drama you create when you don't get what you want. Just stay present and handle one situation at a time with an open mind and an open heart. Trust yourself and in the universe that everything will work out in the end " ........

well actually,
KI got it from somewhere i guess and she forwarded it to me. when i was reading this, i've been telling myself that " I should try this, WHY NOT? " so, at first, it was a lil bit hard to start but insyaallah slowly i will do my best to take this challenge. To change from a good person to a better person and to the "BEST" is not that easy. It requires hard work and effort but do keep in mind, people who always keep on trying their best to catch their dreams, insyaallah one day they will be somebody.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

its complicated :'(

Let go of the things that can no longer be fixed,
If you force to try to put them back,
Things will only get worse.
Holding on is being brave,
But sometimes moving on makes you even tougher...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011



Baby, i'm posting this to wish you a happy birthday
hope everything you do will turn out great
i am so sorry, cause i was late
its really my fault, and i apologize for it
MINI, thanks for always being there for me in good or bad
i still remember those crazy times we had
the night where u slept at my grandparents house
JUSTIN BIEBER 3 am in the morning, remember?
that was awesome.
so yeah, lets do all the cool cool stuff aiteeeeess :)
whatever miniyatifarah do, everything will just be awesome.
so, lets enjoy our life to the fullest.
I'll always love you,
and i just wanna thank you for just being an awesome MINI in my life.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Will YOU?

If the moon fell down tonight,
Would you be the one to hold me tight?
If summer came so slowly,
Would you be my one and only?
Could you pick up my shattered heart,
And glue it up with your talent in art?
If the world seems so insane,
Would you still be mine and same?
If shooting stars lit up the skies,
Would you be my prince charming in disguise?
If I was feeling sad and far,
Would you play me a song with your guitar?
If fireflies filled the air,
Would you console me in my despair?
If roses only bloom is summer,
Would you kiss me awake from my deep slumber?
If I were to die,
Would you be the first and last to say goodbye?
If you answered all this questions with an I DO,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

gather your strength

"Choose rather to be strong of soul than strong of body." ~ Pythagoras

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

"There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout: This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision. When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you." ~ Stacey Charter 

"If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one." ~ Cavett Robert

"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." ~ Carlos Castaneda

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~ Charles Darwin

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person." ~ Albert Einstein

"It's just such a freeing thing to set these great challenges for yourself, to travel, to learn more about the world, to just go out there and get crazy and get free and get strong." ~ Angelina Jolie

"Love fulfilled, sees where we could have gone the way of love before, if we'd known how, and how insecurities limited many of our choices. Love fulfilled perceives new meaning and higher reasons behind many of the mysteries of why things happened as they did. Living from the heart is business - the business of caring for self and others. Understanding this will take us past the age of information into the age of intuitive living." ~ Doc Childre

"Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain." ~ Leo Buscaglia

"In order to create there must be a dynamic force, and what force is more potent than love?" ~ Igor Stravinsky

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The 5

1. Saiful Anwar Mubarok
2. Sirrulloh Hayati
3. Siti Innayati
4. Saifuddin Jalali (always in our heart)
5. Subhan Hariri
6. Shafiyah Rahmawati

I just cant tell how much i love them. even though we always fight for unnecessary things, its just fun to have them around. sometimes, its just so annoying, but yeah, its kinda fun too. I love my siblings with all my heart. Without them, my life will be so bored. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011


If you love someone,
Let them go.
If they don't come back,
They were never yours.
And if they do come back,
They're yours to keep...!!
True love is out there,
Along with someone who cares.
True love is a colour,
That never fades...

Thursday, January 20, 2011



Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm gonna kick
your fucking ass,
you fucking rancid
sack of pig shit!